Sponsor Application

Thank you for your interest in sponsoring ASCFG Events!

ASCFG Webinars:

Ask an Expert webinars occur monthly via Zoom on the second Monday at 8:00 p.m. ET. Your sponsorship will be recognized on the ASCFG website with your sponsored event, on emailed promotions, social media, during the event, and with the recording added to our Members Only Education Center. You may choose the months you wish to sponsor. The Ask an Expert schedule may be found here.

ASCFG Regional Conference Sponsorship:
The ASCFG will host seven Regional Conferences throughout North America during 2024, all of which will occur between the July and October months. The purpose of these two day regional conferences is to celebrate and highlight local excellence and expertise, and to connect ASCFG members with other growers in their regional community. While each gathering will vary in content and format, and will be informed by close collaboration with each ASCFG Regional Director, all events will include a farm tour, educational speaker sessions, and plenty of time to make connections. View the full line-up here and sponsor opportunities below.

Please contact us at [email protected] for more information.

ASCFG Sponsor Application

  • Company Contact Information

  • If no company name, type None.
  • Please be sure to include http://
  • Ask an Expert Presentation Sponsorship

    Your sponsorship will be recognized on our website, emailed promotions, social media, day of the event, and on the cover slide of the recording housed in the Members Only Website.
  • ASCFG Regional Conference Sponsorship

    The ASCFG will host seven Regional Conferences throughout North America during 2024, all of which will occur between the July and October months. The purpose of these two day regional conferences is to celebrate and highlight local excellence and expertise, and to connect ASCFG members with other growers in their regional community. While each gathering will vary in content and format, and will be informed by close collaboration with each ASCFG Regional Director, all events will include a farm tour, conference style sessions, and plenty of time to make connections. Complete program and registration details will be available by early April 2024. If you are interested Questions? Email [email protected]
  • $1,000 Regional Conference Sponsorship

  • $1,000 SPONSOR: This level of sponsorship includes one registration and the opportunity to distribute promotional items onsite at the event. Additionally, your sponsorship will be recognized on all promotional communications, the ASCFG website, social media, and onsite at the event. Questions, please email [email protected]
  • $500 Regional Conference Sponsorship

  • $500 SPONSOR: Your sponsorship will be recognized on all promotional communications, the ASCFG website, social media, and onsite at the event. Questions, please email [email protected]
  • $5,000 Regional Conference Sponsorship

  • $5,000 SPONSOR: This level of sponsorship includes one registration for all six conferences and the opportunity to distribute promotional items onsite at the event. Additionally, your sponsorship will be recognized on all promotional communications, the ASCFG website, social media, and onsite at the event. Questions, please email [email protected]
  • Upload your company logo

  • Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 100 MB, Max. files: 3.
    • Please choose one payment option below. Form must be submitted. We'll contact you upon receipt!
    • Thank you for choosing to sponsor an ASCFG Event!

      We look forward to working with you and will be in touch soon. Questions? Please email [email protected] or call (440) 774-2887.
    • $0.00
    • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.