Evaluation Form 2023 ASCFG Conference Evaluation We value your feedback!The following questions and prompts are designed to gather information that will inform the planning of future events. Thank you for your time and input. Name (Optional). Email (Optional). How did you learn about this meeting? Please select all that apply.* I was an ASCFG member before the event. Social media. A friend or colleague. Online search. Other. If you selected Other, please comment here. Tell us about you.* I'm a new grower (0 - 3 years). I'm an established grower (4 years and more). I'm an industry professional. I'm an academic or scholar. EducationThese questions and prompts pertain to the educational content of the 2023 ASCFG Conference.The conference sessions were relevant to my needs as a grower / farmer.* Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree What did you expect to learn at this ASCFG Conference? Were those expectations met?*What was the most important thing you learned at the conference?*Please share any topics you'd like to see at future conferences and events.CommunityThese questions and prompts pertain to the community building component of the 2022 ASCFG Conference.I was able to make important connections with fellow cut flower professionals.* Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree I would like to receive updates from the ASCFG Board, Staff, Regional Directors, and other committees at future conferences on the following topics (Please select all that apply). Current and upcoming events and activities. Strategic planning for the Association. Budget and finances. Other. If you selected Other, please comment here. At future conferences and events, I would like more opportunities to connect with the following groups (Please select all that apply).* Growers and farmers in my region. Vendors, suppliers, and exhibitors. Cut flower scholars and researchers. Other. If you selected Other, please comment here. Conference OperationsThese questions and prompts pertain to the conference organization and operations.The conference sessions, events, and activities were organized well and ran smoothly.* Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Please tell us how we can improve operations at future conferences.After the ConferenceInterested in further involvement with the ASCFG? Please let us know!Please check all that apply. I would like to host a Farm Tour. I would like to know more about serving on ASCFG committees. I would like to host an Ask an Expert webinar. I would like to know more about Grower Grants. I would like to participate in on-site coordination for future events. Please share additional suggestions here. Please provide name so that we may contact you regarding previous answer.* First Last PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ