Conference Flowers

The Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers is seeking donations of specialty cut flowers for the ASCFG Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, in November 2023. These floral donations will be used in arrangements and demonstrations, and donors will receive an acknowledgement in the Winter 2024 issue of The Cut Flower Quarterly. Are you interested in sharing your flowers? Please fill out this form!

2023 ASCFG Conference: Call for Flower Donations

Thank you for considering a floral donation to the ASCFG Conference in St. Louis, Missouri, in November 2023. Please submit your response by Friday, October 13, 2023. The ASCFG will share shipping information with confirmed donors; donors will also be acknowledged for their generosity through social media during and/or after the conference.

  • Contact Information

    Thank you for sharing these details.
  • Tell Us About Your Donation

    Please respond to the questions below in detail.
  • Please describe which specialty cut flowers you'd like to donate to the Conference and the corresponding quantity of each flower type.
  • If shipping, please send to:
    Mimo Davis
    Urban Buds City Grown Flowers
    4728 Tennessee Avenue
    St. Louis, MO 63111

    Please email tracking to Mimo Davis at [email protected]