ASCFG Scholarship Application

The Association of Specialty Cut Flower Growers, Inc. is dedicated to advancing the domestic cut flower industry in North America, and to increasing diversity and inclusion in our membership and in the cut flower community at large. One of the best ways to achieve this is to support and encourage BIPOC farmers by facilitating their place at the table in our educational events. With that goal in mind, the ASCFG will award regional conference registration to four applicants.   

This scholarship is intended for people of color and for people with Black or Indigenous/First Nations heritage. Many growers struggle to find their ways—financially and otherwise—as they begin their growing careers. We know, however, that people of color often face barriers that most of us cannot see, much less have ever experienced. While it is impossible for the ASCFG to remove all such obstacles, we feel that whatever small assistance we can provide will be appreciated by those growers, while helping to increase representation and diversity within the organization and the industry, strengthening it for the future.

Learn more about Racial Equity in US Farming here.

How To Apply

The ASCFG BIPOC Conference Scholarship is open to anyone who meets the following criteria. Applicants must:

  • Be a current member of the ASCFG for at least one year.
  • Have farmed for at least two seasons (including the 2022 season).
  • Self-identify as a person of color.

Members who meet the above requirements but have already registered for a regional conference are welcome to apply and will be reimbursed if selected. Please note that recipients of last year’s scholarships are not eligible to apply for this year’s scholarships. Apply using the link below. Applications may be received through July 15.

A complete application must include the following information:
  • Applicant’s name, farm name, and contact information.
  • Confirm that you are a current ASCFG member (and have been for at least a year) and that you have farmed for at least two seasons.
  • Respond to three questions.
Award Notification
Successful applicants will be notified by July 19.